![]() Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim c(256), sum(256), a(256), b(256) As Variant 'c(256),sum(256) 获取单元格的值,a(256),b(256) 设置检查的列和列的字符长度 Dim type1(100) As Variant '保存每一列的类型 Dim area(100, 100) As Variant '保存数值类型的范围 Dim i, j, m, s, y, count1, count, k, strlen As Long 'i,j用作循环,m,n 用作控制循环,count 记录有几列要检查,count1 有多少行数据 Dim str, strMsg, str1 As String 'str 获取列的字符串,str1 列的长度 strMsg 弹出信息 Dim startValue, endValue As Integer 'startValue 设置范围的默认起始值,endValue 默认终止值 Dim line As Integer '设置从第几行数据开始检查 Dim str2 As String '设置每列的类型 str 字符型,num 数据型,date 日期型 Dim flag As Boolean '是否有重复值的条件,flag=true and s=1 时有重复值 str = "2,3,4" '设置选择的列数 'str1 设置列的最大长度或数值的范围 范围用 num-num 格式 例如 1-2 如果为空则采用设定的默认值 str1 = "" '设置列的数据类型 num 数值型,str 字符型,date 日期型,空为字符型 str2 = "date,str,num" strlen = 10 '设置字符的默认长度 startValue = 1 '设置数值范围的默认起始值 endValue = 100 '设置数值范围的默认终止值 m = InStr(1, str, ",") n = InStr(1, str1, ",") l = InStr(1, str2, ",") i = 1 line = 1 '设置从第一行数据开始检查 Do While 1 = 1 If Cells(i, 1) = "" And Cells(i, 2) = "" And Cells(i + 1, 1) = "" And Cells(i + 1, 2) = "" Then Exit Do Else count1 = count1 + 1 '计算有多少行数据 End If i = i + 1 Loop i = 0 While m > 0 a(i) = Left(str, m - 1) + 0 '获取所设置的列 If l = 0 Then type1(i) = "str" Else type1(i) = Left(str2, l - 1) End If If UCase(type1(i)) = "STR" Then '如果是字符型 If n = 0 Then b(i) = Left(str1, n) '获取所设置的列的长度 Else b(i) = Left(str1, n - 1) End If If b(i) = "" Then b(i) = strlen End If Else If UCase(type1(i)) = "NUM" Then '如果是数值型 strsub = Left(str1, n - 1) l1 = InStr(1, strsub, "-") If l1 = 0 Or l1 = 1 Then area(i, 0) = startValue If Not VBA.IsNumeric(Right(strsub, Len(strsub) - l1)) Then area(i, 1) = endValue Else area(i, 1) = Right(strsub, Len(strsub) - l1) End If Else area(i, 0) = Left(strsub, l1 - 1) '该列的范围 If Not VBA.IsNumeric(Right(strsub, Len(strsub) - l1)) Then area(i, 1) = endValue Else area(i, 1) = Right(strsub, Len(strsub) - l1) End If End If End If End If str = Right(str, Len(str) - m) str1 = Right(str1, Len(str1) - n) str2 = Right(str2, Len(str2) - l) m = InStr(1, str, ",") n = InStr(1, str1, ",") l = InStr(1, str2, ",") i = i + 1 count = count + 1 '得到要检查的列数 Wend a(i) = str + 0 ' str+0 转换成数值型 type1(i) = str2 If UCase(type1(i)) = "STR" Then b(i) = str1 If b(i) = "" Then b(i) = strlen End If Else If UCase(type1(i)) = "NUM" Then l1 = InStr(1, str1, "-") If l1 = 0 Or l1 = 1 Then area(i, 0) = startValue If Not VBA.IsNumeric(Right(str1, Len(str1) - l1)) Then area(i, 1) = endValue Else area(i, 1) = Right(str1, Len(str1) - l1) End If Else area(i, 0) = Left(str1, l1 - 1) '该列的范围 If Not VBA.IsNumeric(Right(str1, Len(str1) - l1)) Then area(i, 1) = endValue Else area(i, 1) = Right(str1, Len(str1) - l1) End If End If End If End If count = count + 1 ' 判断共有几列数据要检查 flag = True ' 设定相同值条件的初始值 s = 0 ' s=0 是否有相同值的条件 0为没有相同的值 m = 0 ' m=0 外循环条件 n = 0 ' n=0 内循环条件 i = 1 ' 设定从第一行开始判断 Do While line <= count1 And m = 0 For y = 0 To count - 1 ' 循环获取第y行 count 列的值 c(y) = Cells(line, a(y)) ' 第i行 a(y) 列的值 If c(y) = "" Then Cells(line, a(y)).Select strMsg = "no" MsgBox "该单元格的值不能为空值" Exit Do End If If UCase(type1(y)) = "STR" Then If Len(c(y)) > b(y) + 0 Then Cells(line, a(y)).Select strMsg = "no" MsgBox "该单元格值的长度不能大于" + CStr(b(y)) Exit Do End If Else If UCase(type1(y)) = "NUM" Then If VBA.IsNumeric(c(y)) Then If c(y) < area(y, 0) + 0 Or c(y) > area(y, 1) + 0 Then Cells(line, a(y)).Select strMsg = "no" MsgBox "该单元格的值不能小于 " + CStr(area(y, 0)) + " 或大于 " + CStr(area(y, 1)) Exit Do End If Else Cells(line, a(y)).Select strMsg = "no" MsgBox "该单元格值的类型不正确,应该为数值型" Exit Do End If Else If UCase(type1(y)) = "DATE" Then If Not VBA.IsDate(c(y)) Then Cells(line, a(y)).Select strMsg = "no" MsgBox "该单元格日期格式不正确!格式为 年/月/日" Exit Do End If End If End If End If Next y y = 0 j = line + 1 Do While j <= count1 For y = 0 To count - 1 ' 循环获取 count 列的值 s = 1 sum(y) = Cells(j, a(y)) ' 第J行 a(y) 列的值 If sum(y) = "" Then ' 如果该列值为空退出循环 m = 1 ' m=1退出外循环 Cells(j, a(y)).Select strMsg = "no" MsgBox "该单元格的值不能为空值" Exit Do End If If UCase(type1(y)) = "STR" Then If Len(sum(y)) > b(y) + 0 Then m = 1 ' m=1退出外循环 Cells(j, a(y)).Select strMsg = "no" MsgBox "该单元格的值长度不能大于" + CStr(b(y)) Exit Do End If Else If UCase(type1(y)) = "NUM" Then If VBA.IsNumeric(sum(y)) Then If sum(y) < area(y, 0) + 0 Or sum(y) > area(y, 1) + 0 Then m = 1 Cells(j, a(y)).Select strMsg = "no" MsgBox "该单元格的值不能小于 " + CStr(area(y, 0)) + " 或大于 " + CStr(area(y, 1)) Exit Do End If Else m = 1 Cells(j, a(y)).Select strMsg = "no" MsgBox "该单元格值的类型不正确,应该为数值型" Exit Do End If Else If UCase(type1(y)) = "DATE" Then If Not VBA.IsDate(c(y)) Then m = 1 Cells(j, a(y)).Select strMsg = "no" MsgBox "该单元格日期格式不正确!格式为 年/月/日" Exit Do End If End If End If End If If c(y) = sum(y) Then ' 判断是否值相同 flag = (flag And True) Else flag = False End If Next y If flag And s = 1 Then '如果值相同 strMsg = line Cells(j, a(0)).Select MsgBox "该单元格的值和第" + CStr(strMsg) + "行的值重复" m = 1 '退出循环 Exit Do '退出外循环 End If flag = True s = 0 j = j + 1 '行加1 Loop line = line + 1 '行加1 Loop If strMsg = "" Then MsgBox "没有相同的数据" End If End Sub (责任编辑:admin) |